
What we do


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An Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) is an employee benefit program that assists employees with their work-related and/or personal problems with the aim to improve their overall health and wellbeing. The ultimate goal of an EAP is to improve organisational performance and competitiveness, and to enhance the social functioning of the affected employees.


Our fully equipped 24/7/365 contact centre delivers numerous value adding benefits for the clients. (Our contact centre deals with calls promptly, professionally and confidentially – and in all eleven official languages). We require all our counselling professionals to be registered with the relevant professional bodies. This not only ensures compliance but also gives confidence to our clients that we only use accredited professionals. Our EAP service offering covers:

  • Consulting Services
  • Programme Marketing
  • Counselling Services
  • Online Wellness
  • Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Reporting

PHS is leading the digital revolution of EAP in South Africa, by introducing inua , a ground-breaking digital EAP designed to ensure that employees and their family members have access to EAP services anywhere, anytime, on any device, on any browser. The first truly holistic counselling, healing and advisory service in Africa.

Holistic counselling; spiritual healing; and health advisory services for employed people (and their dependents) is delivered via an integrated 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR) technology platform enabling service users to have a wider choice on how they can access those professional services beyond the traditional access.

We have designed delivering truly holistic programmes that enable diverse spiritual counselling and healing interventions that are rooted in spirituality such as Christianity; Judiasm; Islam; Hinduism; and African Traditional belief systems as part of our spiritually augmented approach.



Chronic Disease Management programme seeks to early identify employees with Chronic Diseases of Lifestyle, in order that they could access appropriate medical care that mitigates complications like heart attacks and strokes, that may lead to premature disability and death exits from the workplace. Our approach to Chronic Disease Management follows an in depth understanding of the World Health Organization (WHO) approach to Disease Management.


The Executive Wellness Programme is a critical intervention, which takes into consideration that the executive management is faced with inherent occupational realities of constant time pressures, ongoing high stress levels and potentially higher risk of health complications (e.g. strokes, heart attacks) because of poorly (un)managed chronic lifestyle diseases, such as hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus, hypercholesterolemia and other deadly cardiac conditions.

Our approach follows a systematic structure that covers all areas of an executive wellness programme. Our healthcare professionals conduct an assessment of executive’s wellbeing history and current health status through the use of a lifestyle questionnaire and blood laboratory tests. A set of specialised tests (i.e. heart function; lung function; hearing test; etc) is conducted at our facility which includes wellness coaching and goal setting. Referral for further support to executives identified to have high health risks.


It is a well-known fact that South Africa is experiencing a quadruple burden of diseases (diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cancers, chronic respiratory diseases and mental health) because of poor lifestyle choices. Modifiable behaviours, such as tobacco use, physical inactivity, unhealthy diet and the harmful use of alcohol, all increase the risk of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD’s).

The Wellness Day Programme supports the national health calendar and its objectives to derive meaningful employee participation whilst driving the importance of taking charge of one’s health and wellbeing. In collaboration with our clients we design an annual plan based on the national health calendar themes. Education and health screening of chronic diseases of lifestyle is conducted by our national team of registered healthcare professionals. Wellness coaching and goal setting is provided for all employees with identified health risks.



Absenteeism can be defined as a “failure of an employee to report for work as scheduled, regardless of the reason (s)”. Incapacity refers to the failure or inability of the employee to fulfil the occupational requirements of their job. Incapacity encompasses poor work performance and the inability to work as a result of ill-health or injury. Ill-Health retirement (Disability) refers to the retirement of an employee as a result of a medical condition that prevents them from safely performing duties of their substantive position for the foreseeable future, despite the consideration or provision of reasonable rehabilitation or reasonable adjustment.


Our in-depth understanding of the legislative framework that governs sick leave, absentee management, incapacity and disability management, and generally all health and wellness issues in the work place, enables us to provide our clients with advice and direction that is reliable, equitable and that promotes good governance. We assist our clients to ascertain the extent of the Absenteeism business problem; identify key drivers of the identified trends; identify high risk areas within the business; identify current gaps in the relevant policies, procedures and practices; and from analyzing and synthesizing the above information craft a comprehensive gap closure strategy that will focus and guide effective absenteeism management interventions. Our execution of the absenteeism programme ensures the achievement of improved work attendance and reduced costs related to sick absence.


In the context of illness and injury, incapacity and disability management, the process seeks to improve a particular employee’s vocational potential to the degree that he/she can remain in their original occupation. Alternatively, the improvement in their vocational potential could lead to their return to the open labour market in an alternative occupation. Our services include the provision of professional advice to managers and affected employees on:

  • Fitness to return to own occupation
  • Adaptations required to perform own job
  • Functional capacity evaluations
  • Guidance on reasonable accommodation
  • Labour law and labour requirements

An employee qualifies for ill health retirement based on the provisions made by the provident fund of their employer. These could either be proof of totality and permanence of their occupational disability for their own, or alternative occupation within that specific employer, or within the open labour market.The incapacity or disability assessment process has to be seen to be acceptable to both the employee and the employer, and that in performing such a function; every employee sees the entire process as both fair and objective. In this context, the assessment of occupational incapacity and or disability is complex and is not merely based on the General Practitioners and or Medical Specialist’s report which primarily only establishes the existence or otherwise of an impairment, but comprises a multidisciplinary assessment process with legal, ethical, occupational, financial and administrative components, requiring an understanding of labour law, risk management, occupational medicine, disease management and rehabilitation.



Section 8 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) 85 0f 1993 states that the employer must provide and maintain a safe and healthy working environment. What is safe? Safe means free from hazard. What is a hazard? A hazard is the source of or exposure to danger. What is danger? Danger is anything that can cause harm to people, property, processes, products and environment. Preventive and protective measures should be taken after proper risk assessment (at least once a year) to ensure that all chemicals, machinery, equipment, tools and processes are safe and without risk to health, and that they comply with the requirements of safety and health provisions in this Act.


Our approach seeks to understand the organisational needs and unique programme challenges on Occupational Health matters. We conduct a situational analysis and audit that informs us on what is in place. This informs us on whether the organisation is compliant or not to the OHS legal requirements. A health risk assessment is conducted to identify hazards and exposure risks. In certain instances occupational hygiene surveys are conducted by a qualified specialist and involves the measurement of particular health risks.


We design a customised medical surveillance programme informed by the finding of the health risk assessment phase. This considers the risks identified for each business unit or division and the exposure groups. An exposure group focused intervention is carried out with the frequency on the health assessments aligned to nature of health risk identified in that division. The medical surveillance programme includes:

    • Pre-employment medicals
    • Periodic medicals
    • Tranfer medicals
    • Exit medicals

The medical surveillance programme is led by an occupational health nursing practitioner with oversight provided by an occupational medical practitioner. It focuses on medical screening and biological monitoring. We also assist organisations in the management of COIDA cases related to injuries on duty.

We will run a fully-fledged primary health care service at client worksites. These clinics are the nerve center of the service delivery which encompass primary health, occupational health, counseling services and other auxiliary services.

FEATURED SERVICES Commonly requested services
Standard EAP

Standard EAP

Our fully equipped 24/7/365 contact centre delivers numerous value adding benefits for the clients. (Our contact centre deals with calls promptly, professionally and confidentially – and in all eleven official languages).

We require all our counselling professionals to be registered with the relevant professional bodies. This not only ensures compliance but also gives confidence to our clients that we only use accredited professionals. Our EAP service offering covers:

  • Consulting Services
  • Programme Marketing
  • Counselling Services
  • Online Wellness
  • Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Reporting
Smart EAP

Smart EAP

PHS is leading the digital revolution of EAP in South Africa, by introducing inua, a ground-breaking digital EAP designed to ensure that employees and their family members have access to EAP services anywhere, anytime, on any device, on any browser.

The first truly holistic counselling, healing and advisory service in Africa. Holistic counselling; spiritual healing; and health advisory services for employed people (and their dependents) is delivered via an integrated 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR) technology platform enabling service users to have a wider choice on how they can access those professional services beyond the traditional access.

We have designed truly holistic programmes that enable diverse spiritual counselling and healing interventions that are rooted in spirituality such as Christianity; Judiasm; Islam; Hinduism; and African Traditional belief systems as part of our spiritually augmented approach.

Disease Impact Management

Executive Wellness

The Executive Wellness Programme is a critical intervention, which takes into consideration that the executive management is faced with inherent occupational realities of constant time pressures, ongoing high stress levels and potentially higher risk of health complications (e.g. strokes, heart attacks) because of poorly (un)managed chronic lifestyle diseases, such as hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus, hypercholesterolemia and other deadly cardiac conditions.

Our approach follows a systematic structure that covers all areas of an executive wellness programme. Our healthcare professionals conduct an assessment of executive’s wellbeing history and current health status through the use of a lifestyle questionnaire and blood laboratory tests. A set of specialised tests (i.e. heart function; lung function; hearing test; etc) is conducted at our facility which includes wellness coaching and goal setting. Referral for further support to executives identified to have high health risks.

Disease Impact Management

Wellness Days

It is a well-known fact that South Africa is experiencing a quadruple burden of diseases (diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cancers, chronic respiratory diseases and mental health) because of poor lifestyle choices. Modifiable behaviours, such as tobacco use, physical inactivity, unhealthy diet and the harmful use of alcohol, increase the risk of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD’s).

The Wellness Day Programme supports the national health calendar and its objectives to derive meaningful employee participation whilst driving the importance of taking charge of one’s health and wellbeing. In collaboration with our clients we design an annual plan based on the national health calendar themes. Education and health screening of chronic diseases of lifestyle is conducted by our national team of registered healthcare professionals. Wellness coaching and goal setting is provided for all employees with identified health risks.

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